Thursday, May 22, 2014

Define word using dictionary inside iPhone

It is very common for every smart phone to have function ‘select’, ‘copy’, ‘cut’ and ‘paste’ selected words and sentences. How about define word?  You may think of iPhone users have to download external apps to define the word that want to know. The answer is nope,  for iPhone users, there is a build in dictionary inside it. You have just to download the dictionary once from apple, after that you will be able to enjoy to define the word offline. There are many type of dictionary for you to choose such as English (New Oxford American Dictionary), Apple Dictionary, English (Oxford Dictionary of English), Korean to Engish translate, Japanese , Simplified Chinese and Chinese to English and so on.  

Click on MANAGE to search for the other dictionary and download
*Cloud logo means the dictionary haven't been download.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Change the type of keyboard easily and fast

Sometimes we might have several input in keyboard, we may have english, emoji,chinese and etc. To change the input quickly just click the 'Earth' button a while, all types of the inputs will shown and you can easily choose which one you want.

Click on the button a while
All types of keyboard listed for you to choose

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A faster ways to delete the message conversations.

Do you know that there is an easy way for you delete your message conversation? Just swipe the message conversations that you want to delete from left to right and click delete. It is very convenient for you because you don’t have to go through a lot procedure such as ‘ edit , click the red button (-) and delete’ . It really helps you a lot. It is also applicable for whatsapp and wechat conversation. 

*Take note if you want to delete certain conversation between friends, you have to click the edit button.
If you swipe from left to right, it would only shown you the timestamp.

Swipe from right to left to see timestamp

Undo and Redo typing in notes or messaging box?

What to do if you want to undo and redo the typing? Its very easy, just SHAKE your iPhone .
Undo typing

Monday, May 19, 2014

Secret Feature of iPhone's Calculator

iPhone’s calculator have a secret feature that you might don’t know, that is it enables t you to undo the last digit of the number that you had key in. This is very useful because you don’t have to clear all the number if you accidentally key in a wrong number during calculation.
This can be done by swiping on the number you have typed from right to left, this will help to undo or delete the last digit you had key in.
Below is the example, if I wish to key in a number  ‘388’ during caculation but I accidentally key in another ‘7’, it turn into I had key in a number ‘3887’ I can delete the last digit number by swiping the number from right to left.
This is very useful during  calculation where the you don’t have to clear all the numbers.

Swipe on the number from right to left
After swiping the last digit will be remove

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hidden Feature of iPhone's earphone

How many of you there is some hidden features of your iPhone’s  earphone ? For some people, they might think of the function of earphone are just to set the volume of music or a call. However, there are still some features that you need to know. Otherwise, it would be a waste for you because you didn’t make use of all the feature. Below are hidden features that you need to know

1 ) To pause or play music - tap the middle button of the earphone once.

2) To play the next music/ skip the current music -  double tap the middle button of your earphone.

3) To  forward music - double tap the centre button and hold it until the part you want.

4) To get back to the previous songtriple tap the middle button of earphone.

5) To go rewind music-triple tap and hold the middle button of earphone.

6) For iPhone 4s user and above, tap and hold the middle button will enable SIRI.

7) If you want to receive incoming call, just tap the middle button.

8) To reject incoming call, just press and hold the middle button of earphone.

9) To capture a photo while you plug in an earphone, you can press the volume up button.

Hope you all enjoy reading it. Thanks.